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Imagine if your house could call 911 if you fell... It can!
There are currently several different technologies that can monitor older adults at home and notify someone if a fall is detected.
Of course everyone has heard of wearable necklace or bracelet, smart watches and other devices that can detect a fall and call for help. People, especially people who are busy or people with memory problems may forget to wear these devices limiting their use.
SafelyYou provides cameras equipped with artificial intelligence. These cameras detect falls and even record how the fall happened to help your doctor diagnose why you fell.
Walabot Home uses a small tablet mounted to the wall that utilizes low-power radio waves to monitor movement and detect falls even in bathrooms.
They even developed a Smart Carpet that detects if an older adult has fallen on it.
Of course, none of these devices are perfect. One big issue is producing a false alarm. That is to say, the devices can’t often tell if you jumped into your bed or fell onto it, so it may sound a false alarm unless you do something about it.
These and other ideas are currently being developed, keep up-to-date by following our posts with Steady Strides: Fall Prevention and Stroke Rehabilitation Medical Institute.