Our Commitment To Research

Welcome to Steady Strides: Fall Prevention and Stroke Rehabilitation Medical Institute. Here, we take immense pride in shaping the future leaders of the medical rehabilitation field. Our dedication transcends patient care; we are equally committed to nurturing education and fostering excellence in the realms of fall prevention and medical quality and safety.

At our institute, students are provided with the invaluable opportunity to collaborate closely with esteemed professionals, including Dr. Levan (Levi) Atanelov, MD, Jennifer Turner, DPT, and Amy (Aidel) Cooperman, OTR.

Through this engagement, students acquire a comprehensive blend of research skills and clinical expertise. They gain insights into medical quality improvement, general rehabilitation medicine, and specialized areas such as neuro-rehabilitation, gait/balance training, and fall prevention. This hands-on experience ensures a well-rounded education that prepares students for the multifaceted challenges of healthcare.

Ongoing research studies spearheaded by our in-house residents and visiting students include: innovative methodologies for identifying older adults at risk of falls, reducing fear of falling to improve fall risk and comparing Steady Strides® intervention to usual care in terms of improving cost efficiency, shorter length of rehabilitation care, reduced healthcare utilization, improved cognitive function and other fall and fall-risk related outcomes.


At Steady Strides, we believe in the transformative power of education. We actively engage with students, imparting essential knowledge and skills necessary to navigate the constantly evolving healthcare landscape.

Our institute serves as a dynamic learning hub, providing hands-on experiences and mentorship in specialized areas such as fall prevention and stroke rehabilitation.

Educational Initiatives

We collaborate closely with both aspiring and current healthcare professionals, providing them with a unique opportunity to contribute to groundbreaking research and real-world applications.

By seamlessly bridging theory with practical experience, we empower students to evolve into proficient practitioners and leaders in the critical domains of fall prevention and medical quality and safety.

Collaboration With Future Leaders

Our Focus Areas

Fall Prevention: At our institute, we serve as a hub for innovative strategies and evidence-based practices in fall prevention. Students engage in comprehensive learning experiences, gaining insights into the intricacies of preventing falls across diverse healthcare settings.

Medical Quality and Safety: Steady Strides strongly emphasizes the importance of quality improvement and safety in medical practice. Future leaders gain insights into creating effective, patient-centered healthcare systems. Also, they participate in initiatives aimed at elevating the standards of medical care.

Practical Experience: Students benefit significantly from hands-on experiences, as they actively contribute to ongoing research and real-world projects.

Mentorship: We provide mentorship, offering guidance and support to students throughout their educational journey as they navigate the complexities of healthcare.

Innovation: Steady Strides is at the forefront of innovation in fall prevention and stroke rehabilitation. Students have the opportunity to witness and contribute to cutting-edge advancements that shape the future of healthcare.

Selected Academic Contributions on Fall Prevention:

Research Articles:

Abrishami A, Hanasabb A, Sadikc E, Rowshanshad D, Tsiang M, Atanelov L. Efficacy of Steady Strides: a structured physiatrist-led intervention for reducing falls in high-risk ambulatory community-dwelling older adults: an observational cohort study. J Med - Clin Res & Rev. 2023; 7(12): 1-8.

Hekmatjah N, Hamel C, Younessi DN, Zargari M, Sedaghat B, Eghbali M, Kamen L, Nazar M, Tsiang M, Atanelov L, Statewide Prevalence of Stepping on, Tai Chi, and a Matter of Balance Community Fall Prevention Programs at Maryland Senior Centers in 2017 and 2020. J Gerontol Geriatr Med 2021; 7: 097

Hamel C, Atanelov L, Community-Based Programs to Prevent the Risk of Elderly Falls: Mini Review J Card Pulm Rehabil 2020 Jun 8; 4(1):129

Lower limb factors associated with balance and falls in older adults - A systematic review and clinical synthesis. Neville C, Nguyen H, Ross K, Wingood M, Peterson E, Dewitt J, Moore J, King M, Atanelov L, White J, Najafi B. J Am Podiatr Med Assoc. 2019 Nov 19.

Atanelov, L. Letter to the Editor Reply to: Availability of Evidence-Based Community Falls Prevention Programs: Considerations. J Am Geriatr Soc. 2019 Nov; 67(11)

Hamel C, Hekmatjah N, Hakakian B, et al. Atanelov L Evidence-Based Community Fall Prevention Programs at Senior Centers Near 10 US Academic Centers. J Am Geriatr Soc 2019; May 3.

Atanelov L, Dabai, N Hip Fracture Rehabilitation. PM&R Knowledge NOW/American Academy of Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation. https://now.aapmr.org/hip-fracture, Published 04/30/2017

Book Chapters:

Stiens SA, Shafshak T, Atanelov L, Fall, Fracture and Joint Replacement Rehabilitation: Synchronizing Independent Preventive Strategies to Reequilibrate Patient Function, In Young B, Young M, Steins S, Physical Medicine & Rehabilitation Secrets, 4e Elsevier, 2024

Stiens SS, Vandevalle N, Lehman J, Atanelov L, Young M Geriatric Rehabilitation: Maintaining Resilience, Sustaining Passions, and Cultivating Vibrancy, In Young B, Young M, Steins S, Physical Medicine & Rehabilitation Secrets, 4e Elsevier, 2024

Atanelov, L Fall Prevention In Community-Dwelling Older Adults, In Busby-Whitehead J, Durso S, et al Reichel’s Care of the Elderly Clinical Aspects of Aging 8e, Cambridge University Press 2022

Asante A, Greenberg S, Atanelov L Rehabilitation Medicine of Hip Fractures and Falls, In Mitra R, Principles of Rehabilitation Medicine New York: McGraw-Hill, Medical Pub. Division 2018

Selected Academic Work on Medical Quality and Safety:


Hoyer EH, Friedman M, Lavezza A, Wagner-Kosmakos K, Lewis-Cherry R, Skolnik JL, Byers SP, Atanelov L, Colantuoni E, Brotman DJ, Needham DM. Promoting mobility and reducing length of stay in hospitalized general medicine patients: A quality improvement project. J Hosp Med. 2016 Feb 5

Atanelov L, Stiens SA, Young MA. History of Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation and Its Ethical Dimensions. AMA J Ethics. 2015 Jun 1;17(6):568-74

Hoyer EH, Needham DM, Atanelov L, Knox B, Friedman M, Brotman DJ. Association of impaired functional status at hospital discharge and subsequent rehospitalization. J Hosp Med. 2014 May;9(5):277-82.

Mayer RS, Oliphant S, Atanelov L. Quality improvement/patient safety issues relevant to rehabilitation. PM&R Knowledge NOW/American Academy of Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation. http://now.aapmr.org/rehab-essentials/special-assessment-mgmt-strategy/Pages/Quality-improvement-patient-safety-issues-relevant-to-rehabilitation.aspx. Published 09/20/2013


Atanelov L. Resident’s Handbook of Medical Quality and Safety. Springer 2016

Book Chapters:

Atanelov L Basic Quality Improvement Terminology, In: Atanelov, L ed, Resident’s Handbook of Medical Quality and Safety. Springer 2016

Atanelov L, Hoyer E. Promoting Early Mobility for Hospitalized Patients: a Quality Improvement (QI) Project, In: Atanelov, L ed, Resident’s Handbook of Medical Quality and Safety. Springer 2016

Atanelov L Road to Publishing Your Work: A Bird’s Eye View Outline, In: Atanelov, L ed, Resident’s Handbook of Medical Quality and Safety. Springer 2016

Selected Interviews

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