Brain injury patients are at high risk of falls. Falls cause brain injury.
In older adults, falls contributed to 61% of all injuries and resulted in especially high mortality (J Trauma Manag Outcomes. 2009;3:9. Published 2009 Jul 30).
Inpatient traumatic brain injury (TBI) patients are at an increased risk of falls. A recent article showed that 22% of traumatic brain injury patients suffering at least one fall: 53% of falls were in the patient's bedroom; 57% attributed to loss of balance. 93% of fallers had impaired mobility and 85% required assistance for transfers. Authors condlude that “generic falls prevention measures are insufficient for preventing falls in the brain injury rehabilitation population. Falls prevention initiatives should target times of high patient activity and situations where there is decreased nursing capacity to observe patients” (J Clin Nurs. 2016 Jan;25(1-2):213-22).
A study looking at emergency room admissions due to falls causing brain injury showed that 37.4% patients admitted were 65 years old and older, 33.0% had suffered for subdural haemorrhage (a type of a brain bleed), over 40% of these patients had previous emergency room visit within the last year, mild cognitive impairment or dementia was significantly associated with admissions for fall related brain injury (Intern Med J. 2018 Sep;48(9):1048-1055). A different study reported that “over a third of older adults with minor head trauma from a fall will need to return to the emergency department in the following 90 days“ (J Am Geriatr Soc. 2016;64(4):870–874).
What steps can we take to avoid severe brain injury? “Avoiding a head impact during a backward or sideways fall, reducing unnecessary use of polypharmacy (multiple medications) and antiarrhythmics (medications for irregular heart beat), and maintaining safety during stair negotiation and bed/chair transfer may protect an elderly person from a severe brain injury” per J Head Trauma Rehabil. 2015 Nov-Dec;30(6):E9-17 report.
If you had a traumatic brain injury, have memory, or attention deficits, have balance deficits or concerns about falls, feel free to contact Steady Strides to get professional medical evaluation.